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Highlights of Germany

Highlights of Germany

Festive season holidays

We haven't scheduled any dates yet. But don't worry, if you sign up, we'll keep you updated on when this tour will be happening.

Visiting: Cologne,  Bonn,  Phantasialand, Maastricht, Koblenz, Boppard u Phantasialand


Wednesday, December 27th:

We will convene at Malta's international airport at 12:30 for flight KM532 to Dusseldorf, departing at 14:05 and arriving at 16:55. Afterwards, the coach will transfer us to the beautiful city of Cologne. Room arrangements will be made upon our arrival at the 4-star Novotel Koln.

Thursday, December 28th:

After enjoying a buffet breakfast, we will embark on a guided walking city tour with a local guide to explore places of interest such as the famous Cologne Cathedral, the 4711 house, the historic Rathaus, Gurzenich, the Old Town district, Roncalli Platz, and more. You will have free time for personal sightseeing, or if you wish, you can go shopping on the renowned Schildagasse and Hohe Strabe streets, where a vibrant atmosphere awaits. In the evening, there will be an optional group activity led by our tour leader.

Friday, December 29th:

Today, we embark on an excursion to the captivating city of Maastricht in the Netherlands, a popular destination among tourists. We will explore attractions such as the Stokstraat Quarter, the Basilica of Our Lady, and the Ramparts during our city tour. Following our time in Maastricht, we will visit Valkenburg aan de Geul, where we will pause for sightseeing. Here, you will find a variety of shops, bars, and restaurants. In the evening, we will have the opportunity to experience the Christmas Market in Vrijthof Square before returning to the hotel.

Saturday, December 30th:

Today, we offer an exciting excursion to Bonn, where we will visit places of interest such as Market Square, the Town Hall, and the Minister Church, a city landmark. The famous composer Ludwig Van Beethoven was born in the city of Bonn. Afterwards, you will have free time for personal sightseeing. We will return to the hotel, allowing for additional leisure time.

Sunday, December 31st:

After enjoying a buffet breakfast, you will have a free day to savour the festive atmosphere in the beautiful city of Cologne. Later in the evening, we have prepared a special New Year's Eve River Rhine Cruise (optional) with live music. The cruise will feature a warm/cold buffet, soft drinks, wine, beer, sparkling wine, and a midnight snack. It promises to be a magical night as we bid farewell to the old year and welcome the new one in an atmosphere of joy.

Monday, January 1st:

Happy New Year! After enjoying a buffet breakfast, we will embark on a wonderful excursion that will take us to the Lorelei Valley and the charming villages of Boppard and Koblenz. We will pass through stunning scenery on both sides of the Rhine River until we reach the village of Boppard. Here, you will have some free time to explore the old city. Later, we will continue to Koblenz, situated at the confluence of the Rhine and Moselle rivers. Alongside our tour leader, we will explore the historic centre with its narrow streets, the Rathaus, Münzplatz, and the Liebfrauenkirche. For those interested, there is an opportunity to ascend to the Ehrenbreitstein fortress (extra) to enjoy a spectacular view of the Deutsches Eck, where the two rivers meet.

Tuesday, January 2nd:

After breakfast, we will have a day at Phantasialand, an entertainment destination suitable for all ages (extra ticket required). Here, you will find a variety of rides, roller coasters, and several shows. Later in the day, we will return to the hotel.


Wednesday, January 3rd:

Following breakfast, we will embark on an excursion to the beautiful city of Dusseldorf. We will explore the highlights of this city, including Burgplatz, Schlossturm, and the Old Town, where you will find over 260 bars, restaurants, cafes, and breweries. You will have free time to enjoy the city. Afterwards, we will continue to Dusseldorf airport for our flight back to Malta, departing on KM353 at 17:45 and arriving back at 20:30.


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